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• Our School



Principal: Khalisha Lewis
Secretary to the High School Principal: Lisa Schroeder

Assistant Principals: Claire Gowing & Reginald Walker

Virtual Learning Program Coordinator (EXCEL): Andrew Johnson

Main Office: 440-439-4848  440-439-4627 fax

Bedford High School Clinic
440-439-4848  ext. 4135

Bedford High School Registrar's Office
Guidance and Records Secretary 
440-439-4707  440-439-2642 fax

Last Names A-F
Assistant Principal:
Claire Gowing
Location: N127, North Office
Office Extension: 4873
Office Secretary: Kim Gura

Last Names G-N
Assistant Principal: Crystal Brooks Dillard
Office Secretary: Becky Rzeszut
Location: C141
Office Extension: 4251

Last Names O-Z
Assistant Principal: Reginald Walker
Office Extension: 4610
Office Secretary: Ebonique Minter
Location: C155

Bursar: Laurie Jones
Office Extension: 3422

Secretary to Guidance: Jessica Pieffer
Office Extension: 4707

Attendance Line: 440-439-4609

Bedford High School

481 Northfield Rd, Bedford, Oh 44146

If your child is absent from school, we strongly urge you to call the child’s corresponding grade-level office by 8:30 a.m. Please state the reason for the absence. We will contact you if your child is listed on the absence sheet and we have not heard from you. If a child is absent for an extended period, please call their house office to obtain any work assignments.

The house offices are listed below: 
Academic / Attendance Office: 440-439-4609

We encourage parents/guardians to administer medication before and after school; however, if a student must bring medication to school, the following requirements must be met:

1. A request form must be completed by the parent/guardian and the child's physician before any prescription or non-prescription medication can be given to your child at school.

2. All medication must be in the original, childproof container.

3. Each container must have an affixed and legible label with the child's name, name of the medication, dosage, and time of administration.

4. A new request must be made each school year and, as necessary, for changes in the medication order.

5. The medication should be brought to the Main Office by the parent/guardian.

Food Allergies
If your child has a food allergy and cannot eat certain foods, make sure the school cafeteria has a note from your child’s physician specifying what type of food allergy your child has and the appropriate substitute. Parents may simply call their physician’s office to obtain a note.

If you change your contact information
Please remember to notify the Main Office if you change your telephone number, cell phone number, work number or other important information, so that we may get in touch with you in the event of an emergency. If you move anywhere within the school district, you must complete a Residency Affidavit form. This form in available in the Main Office of any school building.